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Thursday, March 3, 2011

How to access FTP site from LINUX & WINDOWS machines thru command line.

How to access FTP site from LINUX & WINDOWS machines.

Linux machines


Eg: ftp
Eg: ftp Servername


ls --> List the contains of files and directory.
cd --> change directory
put --> to upload single file to FTP Server.
mput --> to upload multiple files to FTP Server.
get --> to download single file from FTP server.
mget --> to download multiple files from FTP Server.
bye --> to quit from FTP server.

Windows machines

Go to Start --> RUN --> Type CMD (Enter)


Eg: ftp
Eg: ftp Servername


ls --> List the contains of files and directory.
cd --> change directory
put --> to upload single file to FTP Server.
mput --> to upload multiple files to FTP Server.
get --> to download single file from FTP server.
mget --> to download multiple files from FTP Server.
bye --> to quit from FTP server.